TESSA DAM compared to other DAM providers

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In the following article, you will learn what the advantages of digital asset management with TESSA are compared to other providers and systems. You will also get an overview of questions you should ask yourself in order to choose the right DAM solution.


There are some serious Digital Asset Management systems on the market and in their basic functionality they hardly differ. In all DAM systems assets are stored and if no metadata can be read and added, they are not really DAM systems. If you search for DAM comparisons on the web, you will find feature lists. Whether those features actually help you is a whole other question. Whenever you have a lot of products for which you need to manage images, documents, etc., or if you need an extremely large number of images for products, then a DAM makes sense, especially the TESSA DAM. The TESSA DAM works especially well with Product Information Management systems (PIM). However, the digital asset management solution should also simplify your life in other areas and therefore be adaptable to the processes in your company. Software that meets these requirements needs a qualified implementation service with consulting experience. This is exactly what we at EIKONA Media offer with the TESSA DAM. We implement the TESSA DAM into your given structure and help to optimize and further develop it.

Developed from decades of practical experience

In the development of TESSA, the focus is placed in such a way that it must be possible with TESSA to solve problems from everyday life in a simple and uncomplicated way. We have been able to gather the foundations for this way of thinking in over 15 years with a wide variety of projects in the areas of DAM, MAM, PIM, eCommerce and CMS. Compared to other providers, TESSA was not created on the drawing board, but out of practical experience.

Focus on product-related assets

TESSA's focus is on managing and working with product-related assets (product asset management). This does not mean that we are not proficient in other types of asset management, such as brand asset management. But product asset management is simply what we do best.

If you are a manufacturer or distributor of products and your main requirements are in the area of managing product-related assets (manuals, marketing material, care instructions, data sheets, parts lists, scene or product images, image or explainer videos, etc.), TESSA is the right solution for you. When it comes to digital asset management, TESSA can optimally support you with some functions that are missing in comparable solutions from larger competitors.

Why should a DAM be customizable and scalable?

Companies work very differently in media production and with their product data. Even if, on the whole, the processes and the use of software are similar, there are always differences in the details. These are often due to industry differences: The textile industry works differently than companies in the electrical industry, and there are completely different requirements in the brewing industry than for medical products. With the TESSA DAM, we can address all these industry-specific requirements. But that's not all: There are also often major differences between companies in individual industries, particularly with regard to processes or the use of software. TESSA DAM is easy to implement in existing situations, so that colleagues who work with it very quickly get the impression that it makes their work easier and helps them. This motivates and clearly distinguishes the TESSA DAM from other products. This is the reason why the TESSA DAM is rated so highly for customer support, ease of set-up and user-friendliness.

Precisely because the TESSA DAM is so easy to customize, making the processing of image and file material - the assets - safer and less error-prone, your colleagues will have more time to provide additional image material that will increase your sales. Then it's good to have a DAM in place that is scalable and that allows you to provide as many assets as you need.

TESSA DAM can be seamlessly integrated into the software landscape

For the TESSA DAM there are already a number of standard connectors that can be used to connect the software solution with other programs in your topology. The Akeneo PIM is an example of a product information management system with which we can connect the TESSA DAM virtually at the push of a button. This also works with the corresponding system from Eggheads. Even if you use webshop software from Shopware, OXID eShop or Magento, we can easily link the TESSA DAM - as well as with all common Content Delivery Networks (CDN), for example Cloudflare or Amazon CloudFront. Your colleagues can use our Adobe PlugIns to save, retrieve or edit files in TESSA DAM directly with Photoshop, InDesign or LightRoom. If a product that is relevant to you is not included, please contact us! We make many things possible. This also applies to the use of TESSA DAM in publishing projects. Especially in a phase where thick catalogs are being replaced by a multitude of target group-specific publications, a DAM that works seamlessly with solutions such as InBetween to automate the production of print projects is extremely helpful. TESSA DAM can be deployed in the cloud or on premise, depending on your company's needs.

The DAM system with perfect integration into Akeneo PIM

TESSA DAM is the first and most extensively integrated DAM system in Akeneo PIM. The first version of the connector for Akeneo was already available from version 1.5. This connector adds a full-fledged DAM system to Akeneo in both the Community and Enterprise versions. Through the bidirectional connection it is possible to access asset data from Akeneo as well as to use product data from TESSA. - No other DAM system on the market currently offers such extensive and in-depth integration.

And because TESSA DAM is serious about transparency and open communication, you can take a look at the system right here. There is no need to log in, register or fill out a web form. So you can have a first look at TESSA right away and if you have any questions or would like a free demonstration of all TESSA features, please feel free to contact us.

Simple price structure comes with TESSA DAM

We prefer to make customers happy and fit our TESSA DAM into processes according to their requirements. That's why TESSA DAM has an annual fee that includes almost everything. There are no extra charges for accounts or quantities of assets. There are no hidden costs and fees - not even if you sell the TESSA DAM as a service provider to your customers via a client solution.

How do I choose the right DAM solution?

We have already written above that there are some serious DAM systems on the market. Often you can find evaluation lists, which in our view fall short for medium and larger companies that need enterprise software. The TESSA DAM can be used as an enterprise system. Therefore, in our opinion, the following questions / criteria are important when you are considering the purchase of a digital asset management system. We give you some questions to answer for yourself.

  • Can I manage all the media and file formats I need with the DAM system - not only photos and graphics, but also videos, podcasts, documents and 3D objects?
  • Can the files be easily integrated into the DAM system - manually and automatically (e.g. via FTP or API)?
  • Can photos be imported directly from a photography process?
  • Is it possible to work with any PIM systems?
  • Can the DAM serve different publishing solutions (e.g. InBetween)?
  • Is the solution multi-client capable?
  • Can all required metadata be linked to the assets?
  • Does it use AI/AI for keywording, tagging?
  • Is the system customizable to my needs?
  • Is the system scalable?
  • Are the necessary mechanisms in place to distribute the assets?
    • Deep integration with the PIM possible (e.g., via API)?
    • Supply of websites?
    • Integration with industry formats (e.g., ETIM, Bitex, eClass, etc.)?
    • Portal solutions for customers, press and influencers?
    • Output of files in any format and compression level?
  • Is elaborate rights assignment available?
  • Can the system also be used on mobile devices?
  • Is the system easy to use? Easy to learn?
  • Is the DAM system DSGVO compliant? Are the servers located in Germany?
  • Are OnPremises and SaaS possible?
  • What is the quality of the customer support?
  • References: Is the provider established? Has the provider already worked in similar constellations?


This is how TESSA DAM scores!

The TESSA DAM is ideal if you want to manage many product-related assets and implement the DAM seamlessly into your processes. In addition, there is a simple pricing model without pitfalls, but also the possibility of an on-premise installation and the high degree of customization options in the Enterprise variant.

Contact now
Andreas Werner

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